Sith Raid

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Guildes[edit | edit source]

File:Sith Raid - Teams and Strats.pdf

Teams[edit | edit source]

Phase 1[edit | edit source]

Damage goal:

  • Tier 5: ?
  • Tier 6: ?


  • JTR, BB8, R2, ResT, ScavRey (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
  • Thrawn, Veers, Magma, Shore, DT. (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
  • Boba, Wampa, JC, Barris, Rex. (Ideally you would replace Barris with Visas Marr OR JC with hermitYoda)(Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
  • Ventress, Talia, Daka, Acolyte + 1, (zombie ideal) (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
    • T5: 0.4M -> tille: Ventress, Daka, Talia, Initiate (no zetas) + zylo
  • Use detonators: Nute, Greedo, JE, JS, JC
    • T5: 0.77M -> tille: crap team, nute lvl 50
  • CLS, R2, Leia, Chirrut, rHan
    • T5: 1.4M no zeta on han, but all other zetas
  • JTR, BB8, R2D2, Thrawn, Jedi Consular (need Consular to heal after Anihilate, Thrawn gives turn to Consular, R2D2 puts cloak on all but BB8, JTR exposes)

Phase 2[edit | edit source]

Damage goal:

  • Tier 5: ?
  • Tier 6: ?


  • Veers, Starck, Thrawn, Shore, DT. (Damage: T5: ? T6: 4,05M (kris))
  • Ackbar, BB8, R2, CLS, rHan (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
    • T5: 1.6M -> tille: rHan & bb8 no zeta
    • T6: 1,45M-> Kris: r2Z2, zHan.
  • Ackbar, hermitYoda, R2, CLS, rHan (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
  • Pheonix without chopper. (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
  • JTR, BB8, R2, scavrey, RT (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
  • Wedge, Biggs, R2, Fulcrum, Leia (Damage: T5: 900k (MagicSevi))

Phase 3[edit | edit source]

Damage goal:

  • Tier 5: ?
  • Tier 6: ?


  1. Ventress, Talia, Daka +2NS. (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
  2. Ackbar, Wampa, ATF, Zarris, bb8 (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
  3. Ackbar, Wampa, ATF, Hermit yoda, bb8 (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
  4. KRU, Kylo, Zarris + 2 First order. (use kylos AOE) (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)

Phase 4[edit | edit source]

Damage goal:

  • Tier 5: ?
  • Tier 6: ?


  1. KRU, Kylo, Zarris, +2 FO. (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
  2. Cls, rhan, ATF, R2, Zarris (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
  3. Cls, rhan, CPT Han/r2, ATF, Zarris. (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)
  4. Ventres, Talia, Daka, Talzin/Acolyte/Ghost, Zombie. (Damage: T5: ? T6: ?)

Toon Abr[edit | edit source]

  • CLS: Comander Luke Skywalker
  • JTR: Jedi training rey
  • KRU: Kylo Ren unmasked
  • ATF: Asoka Tano fulcrum
  • RT: Resistance trooper
  • JC: Jedi consular
  • rHan: raid han

FARMING PRIORITIES[edit | edit source]

Farm the smuggler Vets in Cantina to complete the next JTR event, you will need to have BB8 for that. So make sure you get him to 7*.

Gear the Following toons to G11 (dont waste time to gear them from G11 to G12 for now):

JRT Team: R2, BB8, ResTrooper, ScavRey.

NS Team: Ventress, Daka, Talia, Talzin/Acolyte. Once Zombie and Talzin are farmable, farm them. DONT GEAR ZOMBIE!

Imp Troopers: Veers, Starck, DT, Thrawn, Shore. Snotrooper and Magma optional.

FO: KRU, Kylo, Zarris, +2 First order toons. Ideal would be Executioner and either SE TP or FOST but not a must for now. As soon as Executioner becomes farmable, farm him.

ZETAS NEEDED:[edit | edit source]

JTR team: 2x JTR, 1x BB8, 1xR2. Second R2 Zeta is advisable but might work without it.

NS Team: 2x Ventress. Daka and talzin special optional.

ImpTroopers: 1x Veers.

FO: 1x KRU lead, 1x Barris. Zylo optional, you will mostly use his AOE so no Zeta required.

Gear FARMING TIPS:[edit | edit source]

Use shardshop to farm Mk3 Cabianties, Mk5 stun guns and Mk7 Detonators.

Use guildstore to farm Mk3 Stun Cuffs and the relevant Rancor raid items. (Hint: you get 5x complete blue balls for 200 currency, great value)

Use Crystals to buy the Yellow gear, you can get 25 for 375 crystals, which is the best value.